We are pleased to announce that SDS are sponsors of the WWT Sustainable Drainage Systems Conference, taking place on Wednesday May 1 in Birmingham.
The conference will bring together water companies, local authorities, developers and contractors to debate the current challenges and opportunities for greater SuDS delivery in the UK, and to share developing best practice.
Around a theme of “Changing the mindset around SuDS: Taking an Integrated Approach to Surface Water Management”, the conference will explore new opportunities for multiple stakeholders to work together and realise the full potential of SuDS to take the strain off sewers and other infrastructure to prevent flooding and pollution.
The impressive line-up of leading industry experts includes SDS’s Market Development Manager, Jo Bradley, whose presentation focuses on “Effectively managing the quality of surface water runoff whilst minimising harmful pollutants.” The full agenda also includes retrofitting SuDS, issues for improved adoption and maintenance, as well as monetising and measuring the cost benefits of SuDS.
Jo will also join an expert panel discussion on the impact of greater water company involvement in the design and implementation of SuDS in the light of Sewers for Adoption 8, and the implications for overall performance of water management systems.
To view the full agenda and book your ticket, please visit the event website.